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How To Remove Labels When Recycling Containers

Posted by Lauren Meeker on 8/30/2017
Removing Recycling Labels In one of our previous blog posts, we discussed the benefits of utilizing recyclable packaging. One of the options that mentioned taking the recycling process one step further, was the concept of setting up a return and reuse program with your customers to 100% recycle the containers for future products, and provide incentives to customers who recycle. If you’ve set up a container recycling program like this, you will need to fully remove the original labels before you begin utilizing them as packaging for a second time around. One of the easiest ways to remove the labels from recycled containers is to soak them in warm water. Doing so will allow you to easily scrape off the label, leaving only the adhesive to deal with. Depending on what adhesive was originally used on the labels, this might be the more difficult part of the process. A store product like Goo Gone would do the trick here, but if you’re looking for a natural, DIY remover, we’ve found a great one here. Whichever option you choose, make sure to thoroughly remove any residue, as this will be your finished product moving forward. If you’re having trouble determining whether or not you have successfully removed it all, hold the containers up to a light source such as a window and you’ll be able to better examine them for any imperfections. Removing Labels It’s also important to note that some containers may be returned in worse conditions than others, and it’s always worth developing an efficient sorting method before beginning the label removal process. The earlier in the recycling process that you remove any containers which would not be able to be restored to their original state, the more you can streamline the project!

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